Nirrimi Hakanson

Nirrimi Hakanson is now eighteen but she started working with a camera when her classmates were still playing dolls. She took this job seriously from start, with dedication, commitment and true passion. She has received two national awards in Australia (she is from North Queensland) and one international prize. She was called, at 17, to shoot for Diesel, a brand notoriously picky about the people to work with, and always in search of  innovative and provocative ways for its brand image. Nirrimi provided both, but with an unusual simplicity that is far from the same old tricks of advertising. Her talent is pure, the images seems to pass through her eye without the filter of a camera lens – so direct and intact its approach to the world. The people are captured in the widest array of situations, both outside or indoor. A young woman is placidly drowning, another is smoking a cigarette, at complete ease with a rat on her shoulder, three girls are sleeping on a bluegrass field along with a horse. In every image Nirrimi has a second nature instinct, a real flair for the right moment and the right magic.

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