Think about how many things you can do with your feet. Beside foot massage and footsie of course. Feet are the foundation of our body. The nervous system terminal, pumping blood at every step (feet are considered like a second heart by Chinese medicine). We stand on them, we walk around, we run, we explore and, when in trouble, our feet find an escape to save our beloved ass. Shoes are a tribute to them. Shoes are not just a Freudian link to our sexuality. Even if Eros likes high heels. Anyway, I think nobody better than Louboutin is a devote interpreter of this part of our body we too often underestimate or forget about. In this case I used boots and shoes to invent a propaganda campaign against mediocrity and false myths. Just another way to show the potential of object and, most of all, their power to reawaken our archetypes. Please, do not take my words too seriously. Today it’s quite cold and I have just been drinking grappa. Cheers.

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