Brandpowder, a creative shop founded in 2011, started as a place for experiments in visual communication. Sometimes people read “power” instead of “powder” in our logo. That’s not because of their poor eyesight, it’s because we all tend to recognize what we already know or, even better, what our mind expects to find into a given context. Powder, for us, is a key ingredient of creativity. It’s something magic you sprinkle over things to make them shine. Power doesn’t last forever. Sometimes it is so ephemeral and fragile, it would be silly to rely on it too much. On the contrary, powder is what we are made of, it’s an intangible asset that silently and inexorably covers everything with its soft blanket. It’s what keeps flowing into the hourglass of time, but it’s also the make up of advertising. Powder is such an interesting idea that we decided to keep it. What initially was a typo, became a brand (more or less it’s what happened to Lonely Planet instead of Lovely Planet. What a glorious mistake!) Brandpowder never stopped its quest ever since, gaining worldwide recognition and awards. We’d like to thank all the clients who trusted our approach and our contributors from 17 different Countries. We keep working hard in a place where passion rhymes with vision, and our aim is to provide our clients with the best thought-provoking work, challenging the safe way to do things. We live in a moment of detonation, decadence and dadaism: we call it the 3D trend, and it includes also 3D technology too. If you have a crazy project in mind, do not hesitate to drop us a line. We’ll be glad to get in touch with you. All the best from the Brandpowder Team.

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